Loss can encompass many forms and with most losses there is an overwhelming sense of grief.  The loss can be the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, the loss of a relationship, the loss of your home or any number of things that represents you losing something that was once an important part of your life.  These can even include positive changes that impact your life such as a child going off to college, retirement, marriage or even the birth of a child, each having an aspect of loss that can cause grief. Once a loss occurs we live with the emotions and feelings associated with grief.

Grief is a natural process that typically flow through a series of stages.  While everyone experiences grief differently the successful completion of the acceptance and recovery stage is something that must be reached in order to maintain your own well-being.  The stages are:

  • Initial shock, denial and disbelief.
  • Anger and guilt.
  • Bargaining and anxiety.
  • Depression and suffering.
  • Acceptance and recovery.

While most people flow through the stages successfully some people get stuck in a stage of the grief process and find it hard to recover.  Someone who experiences grief and moves through the stages to acceptance and recovery are able to return to a healthy state of well-being. On the other hand, for someone who holds on to bitter feelings, or is unable to stop the emotional turmoil associated with loss it becomes destructive grief and they are not able to move through the acceptance and recovery stage.  This can oftentimes lead to other life defeating behaviors.

Not sure whether your grief is normal or if you should seek help?  Have you suffered a devastating loss?  Does it consume your every waking hour?  Does it interfere with your daily life leaving you feeling down and helpless?  Do you suffer from any of the below symptoms that have lasted for a prolonged period?

Physical Effects of Prolonged Grief

  • Weakened immune system resulting in recurrent illnesses and colds.
  • Insomnia.
  • Fatigue.
  • Inability to concentrate.
  • Appetite problems.
  • Substance abuse.
  • Nightmares.


Psychological Effects of Grief

  • Disinterest in self.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Increased guilt/shame/anxiety/depression feelings.
  • Identity crisis.
  • Mood Swings.
  • Suicidal ideals and thoughts.
  • Decreased social interaction.
  • Withdrawal.
  • Lack of enjoyment.

Moving to Acceptance and Recovery with Hypnosis

There is no specified time frame to deal with grief.  Some people take weeks, some months and others years.  But when the grief interferes substantially with your daily life and functioning you may need to get help.  While there are many methods to move towards acceptance and recovery, if you find that you are stuck hypnotherapy may help.  Through hypnosis you can reconcile the loss with the love and happiness you had before the loss without falling apart or feeling guilty.  You can find acceptance and forgiveness that will promote you through the stages of grief in a healthy manner while providing you with coping skills to reduce self-defeating thoughts and patterns.